Thursday, 29 April 2010

At long last...

I've finished my dress! It's taken me ages, as I had to order a zipper foot, surprisingly difficult to find one for my sewing machine, and also, as ever there is a lot going on here.

Alex has started nursery, which he loves, and he comes home soaked or covered in paint most days, which surely must be a good thing! The ladies have commented that they have never known a kid like it for getting mucky.

When he's not there we do try to do some fun things together, the other day he helped me making the desserts:

The dessert Alex made.

Anyway, here is the dress, in it's complete form:

The dress that I made.

I did get Dave to take a photo of me wearing it, but I looked like Jabba the hut in a dress. It is massively large, but I did take the measurement when I was seven month pregnant, so I would have been more upset if it was the right size.

I'm really pleased that I've finished it though, as I want to start making clothes for the boys now, and Alex is really looking forward to getting some. I have rather been hoarding fabric, and I also think that if Dave don't see it being turned in something, anything really, he might start whinging. Some trousers for Alex next, I think, followed by t-shirts and coats for them both. Watch this space...

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