Tuesday 2 September 2008

By popular demand

It has been brought to my attention that my small but faithful readership think I don't write often enough. They are most probably right.
I have also received the suggestion to write in English rather than Swedish as there are more people who read English. Again they are, of course, right.
So here we are then, shall we call it the second re-launch of my epic adventures in life?It is quite a good time to start, as I’m now back to work after my holiday, and on the whole quite a lot of things are happening.

We have spent two lovely weeks in old Sweden, a bit wetter then one might had whished, but the sun came out for the last couple of days we were there so no doubt they are having nothing but sunshine there now.
But for us it was back to the grid stone and with a vengeance. It was lunch time yesterday before I had finished writing my to-do lists. Yes the plural is intentional; I had to write three of them. Talking of plural, on Standstead Airport, there is a car hire firm, and on Saturday, as we were passing I saw a big neon sign stating: Car's for hire. Yes car-apostrophe-s. Who are these illiterate morons, and why are they allowed to compose advertisement signs for large co-operations on international airports, do they have no-one who can master the basics of the English language? But enough of that now, I can feel a rant building up.

Our house buying efforts continues, and after having spoken to a number of different people I think we can with confidence say that we will almost definitely maybe be moving in round about a month time, which is lovely. We just have to sort out home insurance and a banker’s draught for the deposit and then, as they say, Bob's your uncle. Well provided there are no problems from the other side. By this I mean the seller, not the after life.

I guess I should return to work now; I took a bit of a break after having changed my answer phone message. I was actually in on time this morning after an uncommonly unpleasant journey. I managed to get caught in the rain three times! And that's before eight o'clock in the morning. But never mind, I am almost dry now, and I have had a coffee, so I better get dug in.

1 comment:

LenaL said...

Yes, yes, yes! som vissa inte säger men menar. Så himla bra skrivet, faktiskt mycket mer flyt i än när du skrev på svenska.

Här har det regnat kraftigt hela dagen, så det så.